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Exin Castillos/Castles

Exin Castillos/Castles was a lego-like constructional system to make medieval castles. Both Spanish (Castillos) and English (Castles) language versions of the set boxes have been seen. It was made in Spain by Exin, in (probably the 1960s and 1970s.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Exin-Lines Bros, S.A., Barcelona, Spain
Distributed in the USA by Fink & Company Inc, 102-110 S. Hazel Street, Hope, AR, USA

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A photos of an Exin Mini Castillos set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of an Exin Castillos set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of another Exin Castillos set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of another Exin Castillos set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of an Exin Castles set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of another Exin Castles set.
(Added 08/05/2022)

Photos of another Exin Castles set.
(Added 08/05/2022)